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Premises Committee


As defined by the full governing body. All Associate Members shall be members on this committee with full voting rights.


The quorum of the committee will be 4 members, of whom, at least one shall be a non-staff member

Frequency of meetings

The committee will meet at least once each term for each school in the federation and will hold additional meetings as necessary.

Chair / Clerk

The committee will appoint chair and clerk at the first meeting in the Autumn term.

Review of Terms of Reference

These will be discussed / approved annually at the first meeting of the school year (Autumn term), which will be minuted.

Terms of Reference

  1. To act in accordance with the latest education regulations, governance regulations and other legislation affecting the conduct and responsibilities of school governing bodies.
  2. To have regard in carrying out delegated functions, to the school development plan approved by the Governing body.
  3. To follow all school safeguarding procedures.
  4. To ensure appropriate risk assessments are carried out and reviewed on a regular basis, particularly in response to changes in equipment or circumstances
  5. To monitor the completion of actions and recommendations arising from risk assessments
  6. To review the school’s accessibility plan
  7. To receive an annual health and safety audit report and monitor any arising actions
  8. To receive a regular report on accident statistics, near misses, incidents of violence or aggression
  9. To ensure that inspections of the school site, buildings and equipment take place (annually and at appropriate intervals), and a report is received identifying any issues
  10. To monitor the health and safety training that staff and governors undertake
  11. To have an oversight of the school’s asset management plans.
  12. To monitor and review all aspects of maintenance and improvement or repair to the school buildings, grounds and plant.
  13. To ensure there are no shortfalls in the minimum standards relating to health and safety regulations.
  14. To assist the school’s Senior Leadership team in drawing up a plan for school security and to keep security under review.
  15. To administer applications for the hire of the school premises
  16. To ensure the character of the school’s building is retained.
  17. To appoint architects, builders, surveyors, ground maintenance teams etc according to established procedures laid down by school governors and monitor all aspects of their work
  18. To monitor the value for money that the school gets from building & grounds contractors.
  19. To review the contracts of any contractors the school uses relating to the school buildings or grounds.
  20. To review fire and evacuation procedures termly.
  21. To review and ratify any policies relating to the school premises as set out in the policy rolling programme.
  22. To receive reports from the site manager & school business manager and delegate powers for the day to day matters to the Headteacher.
  23. To make recommendations to the Finance committee on the needs and requirements of the premises (including contractors).
  24. To report all aspects of the improvement and requirements, in relation to the school premises, to the full governing body.


The Committee is authorised by the Governing Board:
To investigate any activity within its terms of reference.
To seek any information from any employee, with all employees directed to cooperate with any request made by the Committee.
To obtain any outside legal or independent professional advice where it deems it necessary